When I was in Boy Scouts, a wise man once told me that surviving is "All about resources".
I don't think that having good resources is limited to survival. Civilizations need resources to thrive. Society needs resources to grow. Individuals need resources to grow and learn. I believe that given this insight into resources, I've been going about my personal learning into penetration testing wrong. I have been attempting to learn step-wise by rewriting and summarizing all of my learning resources. I believe that this has become a waste of time. I believe that I would be much better served by presenting the original sources of information when I can. I have learned on my own from these resources, and others may need to learn for themselves from the original resources. Summarizing the original sources may be doing a disservice to myself (mainly when I need to review) and to others who might need better supporting resources than I can provide.
That said, my Wiki will now contain original sources of information from wherever I find them and summations of things like online courses, lectures, and school notes. Please note that I am not trying to plagiarize others' works, I'm just trying to collect the best resources I can find to learn penetration testing for myself and for others that may need help. I look at my Wiki as a library, it contains works from numerous sources and original content and that is alright.
Let's make the best of the resources available to us, learn, and grow.
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